PHPMyAdmin is not starting [Raspian (HW Raspi 3) / Latest version 2022]

It s a wonderful world but this world is not perfect.

The PhpMyAdmin installation does not run out of the box (based on Apache, MariaDB, PHP).

PHP installation seems to be fine.

Launching Phpmyadmin nothing happens.

Quite tricky troubleshooting this issue.

The solution I could find here :

The Apache config file has to be edited …

-rw-r–r– 1 root root 7224 Dec 21 2021 apache2.conf
pi@raspberrypi:/etc/apache2 $ sudo chmod 777 apache2.conf

Basically, the fix is to include the following line in the apache config file …

Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf

As mentioned on the Pimylifeup website … “This line will include PHPMyAdmin’s configuration and allow it to be loaded in and listened to by Apache.”

-> back to the original permissions

pi@raspberrypi:/etc/apache2 $ sudo chmod 644 apache2.conf